




  1. 提升教师追求持续性学习,储备知识能量、知识补给与更新。
  2. 促进教师学习共同体。
  3. 加强教师的教学专业,提升教师专业化。
  4. 实践更有层次的教育创新与教学。
  5. 实施行政管理科学化
  6. 跳脱课堂学习,促进学生跨域合作的学习。
  7. 培养学生对社会关怀,并具备国际视野与价值观。
  8. 培养学生各种关键能力、包括领导力、表达沟通能力、思维能力、团队协作能力、实践与创新能力等。


董总成立于1954 年8 月22 日,肩负领导华文教育运动,捍卫与发展华教,争取平等地位和权益的使命,以确保华教的永续生存和发展,同时为我国多元社会的建设与进步奉献力量。




兴建一座“华教综合大厦”需要数额庞大的资金,预估将耗资2 千500 万令吉,至于内部设备、器材和家私等,也需要另外500 万令吉。本会恳请各企业、集团、商家、社团组织、各阶层热心人士鼎立支持与协助。


“华教综合大厦”的落成,需要众志成城,集合广大的社会热心人士的支持与配合。我们衷心希望各界共襄盛举,慷慨解囊,让本会的“华教综合大厦”建楼工程能顺利进行并如期竣工。 心慈好善,至诚感谢。

The Purpose of Fundraising—————

The United Chinese School Committees’ Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong) was established on 22 August 1954, formed by the Association of Chinese School Management Boards of each state in Malaysia. Dong Zong leads and unites the member states to promote and develop the cause of Chinese education in Malaysia. Dong Zong’s mission of striving for equal educational status and rights is to safeguard the sustainable development of Chinese education, while at the meantime it contributes to the construction and progression of a multi-ethnic and multi-culture society.

In order to outline the diverse imaginations and expectations of the Chinese community in the Malaysia Baharu, the reinvention of the Chinese Education Movement rhetoric must be comprehensive. To this end, in addition to the rhetoric of mother-tongue education, it is necessary for the Chinese education movement to conduct research in other related fields, such as multi-and-local culture, democratic power of education, the informatisation of educational development, the improvement of national competitiveness, and the innovation of educational policies. These topics are to provide a broader leeway for imagination and creative thinking for the younger generation aiming to seek consensus to further enrich the rhetoric of the Chinese education movement and deepen its mass basis.

Furthermore, as domestic and international educational trends advance rapidly, the training of school administrators, students and teachers becomes crucial in the quality of education. The training aims to professionalise teachers, make management scientific, and diversify students’ thinking. Therefore, it is imperative that a multi-purpose education complex be in place.

The said multi-purpose education complex serves as a Chinese education base to promote Chinese education and cultural exchanges. As anticipated, the activities to be promoted in this complex include the training of teachers and school administrators, the marking of Unified Examination papers, the embarkation of pedagogical research, the organisation of academic seminars, education and teaching workshops, student training and exchange programmes, performances of diverse sorts, exhibitions, etc. The estimated cost for the construction of this multi-purpose education complex is RM 25 million and an additional RM5 million will be needed for its facilities, equipment, internal furnishing, among others.

The multi-purpose education complex will be located in the compound of Dong Zong. We hope that the construction of the complex will be completed in 2022. As such, stakeholders and supporters of Chinese education, including well-wishers and the community in general are appealed to contribute generously to this fundraising activity to ensure and witness its success.
Thank you for your kind and unconditional support!